Matt Schmit, Grad Student in Cai Lab, receives Andrew C. Comrie GIDP Doctoral Fellowship

Congratulations to Matthew Schmit, Graduate Student in the Cai Lab. Matt has been selected as the 2020/2021 recipient of the Andrew C. Comrie Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs Doctoral Fellowship.
“We are very pleased to inform you that you have been selected as the 2020/2021 recipient of the Andrew C. Comrie Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs Doctoral Fellowship! This Doctoral Fellowship honors Dr. Comrie’s strong commitment to interdisciplinary research and study as witnessed by the many years Dr. Comrie has dedicated to research as an interdisciplinary climate scientist and geographer. In addition, he has participated in the GIDPs from the time he first arrived at The University of Arizona and through the years of his university leadership roles as former Provost, Associate Vice-President for Research and Dean of the Graduate College.
The nomination letters we received from GIDP Chairs in support of stellar students in the GIDPs made the selection process a very difficult one. We could only award one excellent student and your academic record, letter of nomination and personal/professional statement ranked first with the GIDPAC Review Committee. Student research makes a strong statement to interdisciplinary scholarship and research at The University of Arizona. You are certainly contributing to the long history GIDPs hold in that regard, now for more than half a century!”