NSCI and NSCS Student Programs

Glia/Neuron Peer Mentoring
New NSCI/NRSC students and current upperclassmen are matched based on student’s interests and backgrounds. Student mentors (glia) work with new students (neurons) on a one-to-one basis to assist them with their academic and professional development.

Preceptor Program
Preceptors are highly motivated students who wish to provide instructional support both in and out of the classroom. Preceptors function as instructional assistants, student mentors and guides but are not expected to serve as content experts.

Ambassador Program
A select group of distinguished undergraduates who participate in NSCI/NSCS undergraduate recruitment, convocation, orientation, and outreach to promote both majors.
Student Clubs
Neuroscience and Cognitive Science Association of Students (NSCSAS)
NSCSAS is a UA student community that was established in 2009 as the Neuroscience Club. NSCSAS affords students with an interest in Neuroscience and Cognitive Science a whole host of opportunities, including the great opportunity to meet other students in the NSCI and NSCS majors. They also focus on outreach, professional development, and host plenty of fun activities. Students from all majors are welcome. To join this group, please email: nscsas.ua@gmail.com.
Read more about the NSCSAS Student Group on Facebook
Nu Rho Psi
Nu Rho Psi - Alpha in Arizona is the University of Arizona’s chapter of the only national honor society in Neuroscience. The society, founded in 2006 by the Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience, has bloomed into a nation-wide organization dedicated to providing recognition to and support for high-achieving neuroscience students in academic institutions as they work towards advancing the field of neuroscience. High standards of membership in Nu Rho Psi at the UA address students’ academic and individual excellence, and their dedication to neuroscience. The diversity of backgrounds of our members fosters intellectual and academic growth as we strive to tackle challenges faced by the ever-growing field of neuroscience through seminars, laboratory research, and discussion. Our chapter members enjoy scholarly camaraderie and also are dedicated to our local community, engaging in a variety of neuroscience-related service activities throughout Tucson.
Each year, National Nu Rho Psi designates a theme to direct the educational and outreach initiatives for the chapters. UA’s Nu Rho Psi chapter is excited to have played an influential role in the selection of this year’s theme of “Stress and Anxiety.”
Twice each year, we issue a call to all academically eligible NSCS students to consider applying for membership in the chapter.
Chapter Officer for 2024-2025: Famesh Patel, President of Nu Rho Psi - Alpha in Arizona Chapter
Chapter Advisor: Dr. Julie Miller, PhD,
Read more about the Nu Rho Psi National Honor Society