Lindsey Hinz
IT Support Computing Analyst II

Rm 611 Gould-Simpson
Please email tickets to
She, Her, Hers
I am IT Support for the Department of Neuroscience and part of the MBB-IT group that supports the
School of Mind, Brain and Behavior. I am also backup IT support for the College of Science Deans Office
and Cyber Operations and Intelligence Operations Majors at Arizona Online's AZCAST Program.
Please submit tickets to:
Staff & Faculty can get a free copy of Premium Sophos Antivirus for Free!
Please see the following website for more information: UA Sophos Website
These resources are also available:
Office of Instruction & Assessment:
D2L Support: 520.626.6804
Panopto & Zoom:
UITS 24/7 Support: 520.626.8324
If you are searching for information concerning
University of Arizona Cyber Saguaros or
Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS)
Please email the Cyber Saguaros email:
or WiCyS email:
- Associates of Arts in Information Technology
- Bachelors of Science in Cyber Security -Engineering Track (in progress)
- Bachelors of Science in Intelligence Operations - Operational Intelligence Track (in progress)
- President: University of Arizona Cyber Saguaros Club
- President: WiCyS Chapter at the University of Arizona
- Member: Saguaro Pod