Lisa So receives Marshall Foundation Dissertation Fellowship

Feb. 17, 2020

Lisa So receives Marshall Foundation Dissertation Fellowship

Lisa So

Congratulations to Lisa So, GIDP/graduate student from the Miller Lab/Department of Neuroscience. Lisa is one of seven graduate students to receive the Spring 2020 Marshall Foundation Dissertation Fellowship. Congratulations, Lisa!

Marshall Foundation Dissertation Fellowship


In 1930 Louise Foucar Marshall, ex-university professor, businesswoman and philanthropist, and her husband, Thomas Marshall, created a foundation that would, in Louise’s words, “carry on our work when we are gone.” It was the first private foundation in Arizona. Her goal was to create a permanent scholarship fund to aid deserving women who wanted to attend the University of Arizona and to help those less fortunate in the community. She was following the example of her mother who believed in supporting charitable causes, especially “aid to young men and women seeking an education.”

Today the Marshall Foundation, continuing Louise’s legacy, seeks to enhance the lives of the citizens of Tucson and Pima County through its support of charitable and educational institutions.

To that end, The University of Arizona Graduate College with assistance of the Louise Foucar Marshall Foundation offers the Marshall Foundation Dissertation Fellowship to help Arizona graduate students complete their doctoral dissertation.

A Fellowship is provided annually for up to six students by the Marshall Foundation and a Graduate Tuition Scholarship that covers in-state base graduate tuition is provided by the Graduate College.

A call for applications is issued annually as funds become available from the Marshall Foundation.