Jennifer Lawrence Elected Chair of APAC

July 20, 2018
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Jennifer Lawrence has begun her term as Chair of the Appointed Professionals Advisory Council (APAC). Jennifer, who has been with APAC for five years, became secretary in 2015 and was vice chair for the last academic year.

Jennifer, the manager of business and finance in the Department of Neuroscience, was elected chair at the council's May 22 meeting and assumed the role on July 1. She succeeds Sara Knepper, director of academic advising in the College of Education, who served as chair for two years.

Jennifer began working at the UA, as an administrative assistant, in 1987 while pursuing a bachelor's degree in history. She assumed her current position in 2013, the same year she completed a Master of Business Administration from the Eller College of Management.

Among the priorities for the new chair of the Appointed Professionals Advisory Council are representing appointed personnel and professionals amid the University Career Architecture Project and shining a light on the often behind-the-scenes work they do.

Goals for New APAC Chair: Being a Voice Amid UCAP, Championing Employees' Contributions